Monday, April 27, 2009

A minor character decides to take a more prominent role: welcome Sarah.

If my name sounds familiar, it's because Sarah is a common name. If Sarah Bidanjiri sounds familiar, well it's either because you know me - since Bidanjiri is not a common last name - or because you have an excellent memory and have seen my name in the past NaNoWriMo U of A Edition's first week word counts. Since the advice of those who have actually completed a novel in a month seem to all say that one of the keys to success is to be committed, I decided that, among other things, I should become more active in the whole process which would entail joining in on the blog. From what I can tell, the only person I know here is Steve (aside from a few of my fellow drop-outs). On the theme of commitment, I also decided to write up my own Magna Cartas; and after some encouragement from Steve and trading of lists, I thought it would be interesting to know what made up other people's lists. So I'll begin, in the hope that I don't end up being the only one to do so here:

Magna Carta I: (What I LIKE in novels)
Well-developed / dynamic /likeable characters
Wit & humour
Adventure & action
Meanings / subtle messages in story
Stories that make you laugh & cry (or just laugh)
Moral dilemmas
Thought provoking
A sense of mysticism / mystery
True friendship (& sometimes love)
Quirky characters
Lots of dialogue
Eloquent language (though not in excess)
Cultural elements
Beautiful lanscape / setting
New ideas
A glimpse into humanity
Perseverance (stolen from Steve's list)

Magna Carta II: (What I DON'T LIKE in novels)
Stereotypical characters
Preachy messages
Depressing / hopeless stories
Teenage drama
Overly graphic with sex & violence
(though there are some exceptions, if it truly helps the plot along)
Purposeless plot (I will have to get over that for NaNoWriMo)
Quick wrap-up endings
Dysfunctional families
Impossibly perfect & unbelievable characters
Long scenery & war descriptions
Writing that gives you a headache (where reading is overly difficult...)
Self-absorbed / un-thoughtful protagonists (with no redeeming qualities)
Cheesy scenes
Cliffhanger endings (with obvious intention of a sequel)
Overly predictable plot



Blogger "Steve Smith" said...

Ooh, let me post mine:

Magna Carta I

First person narration
Vaguely neurotic protagonists
Hopeful, but not all together happy, endings
Highly eccentric supporting characters
Interesting friendships
Interesting non-romantic relationships in general
Cameos by the author (or by characters from the author's other novels)
Bad decisions and self-destructive behaviour generally
Character-driven novels
Similes, metaphors, and analogies used for humourous effect
Ridiculous dialogue

Magna Carta II

Inaccessible writing
Humourless protagonists
The paranormal as a central emphasis
Abundant sex scenes
Implausibly good matches
Setting-driven novels
Lengthy description of physical details (characters or settings)
Brilliant, courageous, or otherwise admirable protagonists

1:51 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

A partial list, due to time-pressed-ness.


Colloquial use of language
Creative use of language
Quirky characters
Non-romantic romances (think "I Love You, Man")
Humour and seriousness mixed together
Female characters who are more than accessories for the males
Self-deprecating yet arrogant protagonists
Intelligent antagonists
Realistically-motivated characters


One-note characters
Overly formal narration
Unnaturally formal speech patterns
Humour and seriousness split into "funny sections" and "serious sections"
Lengthy description of physical details
Over-heroic protagonists
Over-villainous antagonists
Stereotypical characters
Destiny and fate

3:12 PM  
Blogger "Steve Smith" said...

Man, Jake, I was reading your Magna Carta I - "Creative use of language", "Quirky characters", "Wit", "Self-deprecating yet arrogant protagonists" - and I was thinking that you clearly want to read a novel about me. Then I got to MCII - and its "One-note characters", "Unnaturally formal speech patterns", "Pretentiousness", and "Over-heroic protagonists" - and concluded that perhaps you didn't.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

For a while there I also thought Jake was referring to characters that resembled Steve.

11:08 AM  
Blogger --Chris said...


MG 1:

-Ridiculously overpowered characters
-Power levels (increasing progression)
-Magical artifacts (also very powerful)
-Morally ambigious character
=> Has to be redeemed
-Witty remarks
-Sarcastic narrator
-Action scenes

MG 2:
-Overly descriptive stuff
-Confusing dialogue
-Esoteric, philosophical stuff
-Overly complicated sentence structure/vocabulary
-Unexplained changes in character motivation
-Family disputes
-Slow pacing

10:47 PM  
Blogger "Steve Smith" said...

"Magna Garta"?

(Also, given our respective novels and Magane Cartas, Chris, it's amazine that we didn't hate each other's novels.)

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

It's the best kind of Garta.

Also, Steve: it means I want to read novels about people who are like you, but better.

Chris: 100 points for "overly descriptive stuff".

4:51 PM  
Blogger "Steve Smith" said...

it means I want to read novels about people who are like you, but better.

Why not come right out and say that you want to read novels about yourself?

6:15 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

Because I'm familiar with a little thing called subtlety, you dolt.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Rich said...

Here's mine (still very mucgh a work in progress):

Wise characters
Underground groups
Unusual creatures
Alliterative (extra points if palindromic) names
Factually based (or faux-factually based if fantasy)
Short chapters
Fast pacing
Much character backstory
Children's novels
Murky moral choices

Long descriptive passages
Boring, predictable characters
Sprawling storylines (oh dear)
Overpowering moral themes
Unclear/unnaturally happy endings
Random paranormal explanations
Characters that I wouldn't like in real life
Exhausting use of metaphor
A lack of humour
Extremely implausible coincidences
Flawless heroes
Songs & Poems in the middle of prose

2:24 AM  

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