Unremarkable Beginning Indicative of Rest of Novel
"Every day, on her way to and from work, Audrey would listen to the radio."
On the other hand, I have already invented four fantasy animals: A calven, a Phoebix and an unnamed prey animal.
As for the word count, I have managed to do slightly more than required every day. I go to work half an hour early to write, then I write on my lunch break, and then if I'm still not up to pace, I finish off the few hundred words missing in the evening.
I'm showing much less regard for quality this time around, though, which might help.
On the other hand, I have already invented four fantasy animals: A calven, a Phoebix and an unnamed prey animal.
As for the word count, I have managed to do slightly more than required every day. I go to work half an hour early to write, then I write on my lunch break, and then if I'm still not up to pace, I finish off the few hundred words missing in the evening.
I'm showing much less regard for quality this time around, though, which might help.
On the other hand, I have already invented four fantasy animals: A calven, a Phoebix and an unnamed prey animal.
To say nothing of a new fantasy mathematical system!
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