Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Take that!

Yes, my friends and other interested observers: I have passed 50,000 words. As I understand the rules, this officially makes me a better person than all of you. Well, except for Steve. And probably Dan later.

I'm not quite done yet, though: I still have to write the last chapter. So for now, I bid you adieu.


EDIT NOW THAT I'M DONE THE LAST CHAPTER (which happened at around 11:30pm)

Bloodthirsty by the numbers:

Words: 51,166
Pages (even though this is meaningless until it's formatted properly): 119
Chapters: 20
Average chapter length in words: 2558
Longest chapter: 11 (4566 words)
Worst chapter: 11
Shortest chapter: 17 (1064 words)
Occurrences of the word "fuck" (or its derivatives): 31
Occurrences of the word "fuck" (or its derivatives) in chapter 6: 14
Occurrences of the word "fuck" (or its derivatives) in paragraph 3 of page 33: 13
Words in paragraph 3 of page 33: 35
Occurrences of the word "tits": 2
Occurrences of the word "baseball": 2
Words about Tetris: 592
Occurrences of the word "Tetris": 0
Characters shot in the stomach: 1
Total amount of time spent in hospital due to being shot in the stomach (in seconds): 0
Different TV shows or movies jokes were stolen borrowed from: at least 6
Occurrences of the word "blood": 116
Most productive day, in words: 3030 (May 29)
Least productive day, in words: 0 (several)
Least productive day that something was actually written, in words: 50 (May 13)
Dirty jokes I refrained from making in this list because they would have been too big a spoiler: 1
Number of times better than Chris Samuel I am (approximate): 1023


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