Saturday, May 06, 2006

Plot start now please

Is anyone else finding that they are just typing away at their story and nothing has happened yet? I'm just finding it really hard to move the story from boring expository scenes to ones where something happens, but at the same time the whole thing won't make sense unless I slog through. AGG! Oh well.

UPDATE: My favorite sentence from today (note I said "favorite," not "best" or even "a good"):

"This wasn’t especially surprising considering the he had almost died in a multitude of different ways, not the least of which was dodging a virus that had essentially wiped out the human race, but it was worrying none the less."


Blogger Jake said...

Your novel has an entire species almost getting wiped out too? Neat.

More to the point, I have also had issues with not having a plot, to the point that yesterday and today I wrote an entire chapter of pure filler, but I think I've finally figured out how to get to the next major plot point. Now I just need to figure out what happens beyond that.

11:09 PM  
Blogger Daniel Kaszor said...

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12:18 AM  
Blogger Daniel Kaszor said...

It isn't that I don't have a plot in mind, it's just that to get the characters (well lets be honest now, character, computers don't count as characters), to the plot I need a lot of rather boring exposition.

Solution? Why, an exciting and moody death defying underground sequence in a RV/SUV/Stealthbomber-cross super vehicle.

12:53 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

I hide the fact that I have no plot with long, boring character descriptions. Also, my characters appear to be out of control.

2:03 AM  
Blogger Nicholas said...

I'm way under my targeted quota for the exact same reason: I have a comprehensive scenario mapped out but nothing on the level of event, and hence no Act Two in sight or any way to get there. Right now there are just a lot of people talking. By my reckoning, the conversations involve enough conflict to move beyond mere exposition, but they are still just conversations, and not action.

2:27 AM  

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