On the Counting of Words
I was just browsing the official NaNoWriMo forums, and discovered that they generally operate with a very liberal view of what should count toward the 50,000 words. So the question now becomes: how long can you reasonably make your title?
I was contemplating calling mine Bloodthirsty, even though it totally doesn't fit thematically, but it's only one word, so to hell with that. Now, I'm thinking of something more like The Vampire Who Survived a Genocide, Then Went Into Hiding For Nearly Three Centuries, Living Among Humans In a Peaceful and Respectful Fashion Because He is Basically a Decent Sort of Guy, but Who Was Always Afraid of Being Discovered and Who, Upon Finally In Fact Being Discovered, Had to Deal With the Perhaps Understandable but Nonetheless Unfair and Inappropriate Fear and Hatred that Many Members of the Human Race Directed Toward Him, and Also, He is Very Good at Playing Tetris, Though That Fact Is Not Really Explored Very Much in This Particular Story.
And then there's the subtitle to deal with.
I was just browsing the official NaNoWriMo forums, and discovered that they generally operate with a very liberal view of what should count toward the 50,000 words. So the question now becomes: how long can you reasonably make your title?
I was contemplating calling mine Bloodthirsty, even though it totally doesn't fit thematically, but it's only one word, so to hell with that. Now, I'm thinking of something more like The Vampire Who Survived a Genocide, Then Went Into Hiding For Nearly Three Centuries, Living Among Humans In a Peaceful and Respectful Fashion Because He is Basically a Decent Sort of Guy, but Who Was Always Afraid of Being Discovered and Who, Upon Finally In Fact Being Discovered, Had to Deal With the Perhaps Understandable but Nonetheless Unfair and Inappropriate Fear and Hatred that Many Members of the Human Race Directed Toward Him, and Also, He is Very Good at Playing Tetris, Though That Fact Is Not Really Explored Very Much in This Particular Story.
And then there's the subtitle to deal with.
When I did NaNoWriMo back in 2002, I made the dedication to my novel trilingual - the same passage in three different languages. That's sort of cheating, I guess.
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