Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Official Daniel Kaszor Distraction Centre

Okay, now that I'm set up at my parents place, I have instituted a room set-up that is anti-work to the highest degree.

First picture:

You will note the television is hooked into a input splitter box so that I can a) play PS2 b) play GameCube c) play Xbox (not yet hooked up) or d) watch things I've downloaded onto my computer. Additionally you'll note the Nintendo DS in the picture as well. Now let's look at the room from another angle:

Yes, what you see there is indeed a second television, this time with a DVD player, a VCR and cable (although the DVD player is a touch redundant because I can just play movies through my laptop to the first TV).

Man I'm going to get a lot of work done on this thing!


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